A couple years ago, back when Kings County Distillery was a small operation in a Bushwick loft, a couple of us took a tour of the location. The whole thing only took up a couple of rooms and didn’t have any complicated equipment, everything seemed kind of charmingly jury-rigged. The whiskey was delicious though. Plenty of other people agreed apparently, and the company made enough money to move into new digs in the Navy Yard and get some love from the New York Times.
The Times checked in with the whiskey makers as they were getting two enormous copper stills from Scotland, so they can ramp up production of their high-end feelings suppressing product. Aside from the stills, Kings County also grabbed themselves a loan from the Partnership for New York City Fund, who recognize that food is an engine behind New York’s economy. Always good to see DIY folks making a bigger impact, though we hope it doesn’t lead to them making lame ads about them and their rich friends drinking in Vegas.
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