Artists of Brooklyn! Worried you won’t make the cut for Bushwick Open Studios? Or really confident you will but also want to get your art seen in other places? We understand both impulses. Fortunately for you, there are always more art shows, and one of the more enjoyable ones for the summer has just put out a call for art: the Crest Hardware Art Show.
Want in? the submission deadline is May 31, so you’ve got plenty of time to procrastinate get your piece juuuust right. In keeping with the fact that the show is held at a hardware store, the theme of the show is “Art about, made with, for, and/or inspired by hardware.” So while your erotic velvet painting of Bowser isn’t eligible, your erotic Hammer Bros. velvet painting does fall under that rubric. The art should be ready to hang and only take up 2 square feet in total, and you have to be able to drag it to and from Crest yourself.
Got all that? Great. If you want in, and why wouldn’t you, fill out an official application here and start neurotically hitting the refresh button on your email in the hopes of getting that “yes” response precisely when it pops into your inbox.
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