This news will likely be most handy to you if you’re an NYU student, those chosen few who seem to get all the best damn jobs and internships in the city while the rest of us contemplate selling our old IKEA furniture we lugged from our college apartments in Baltimore or Chicago wherever to buy dinner tomorrow night, but NYU’s annual Startup Week kicks off tonight, and there will be lots of tech-ey entrepeneurs around who will maybe give you a job. Maybe. If you ask real nice.
A few events are only open to students, like Saturday’s game-building workshop with reps from TreSensa, and you can’t get into anything for free unless you’ve got an NYU ID. But there are still a few events worth checking out, assuming you one-upped this author and majored in something slightly more computer-savvy than “Writing Seminars” once upon a time. On Monday, Jason Goldberg, CEO of super-funky online retailer Fab.com, will be interviewed by NYU journalism professor Adam Penenberg; it’s $10 to attend the 6:30 p.m. event, but you’ll probably pick up some good tips on getting your own online entrepreneurial effort off the ground (we’re still convinced there’s a market specifically for getting Easy Mac delivered to Brooklyn apartments by bulk).
There’s also a free DemoDays event on Wednesday, where you can see what tech-savvy students have been up to and perhaps network with a few future Steve Jobs’, in addition to a $10 event (free for NYU students) on Thursday in which local venture capitalists rattle off why sticking with NYC will help grow your business. Unfortunately, Tuesday’s awesome lineup, which features speakers like Spotify’s Elias Roman and Robby Stein from Stamped and will be held at eBay’s HQ in the city, is totally booked, but the other events are still worth checking out, if just for the networking purposes. Arm yourself with a business card, a resume, and a firm handshake.
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