Warriors, come out to play-ay…. the first of today’s top two Brokelyn-approved free events: “The Streets of Brooklyn in Film,” a free film fest examining Brooklyn’s gritty image in film, including The Lords of Flatbush, the French Connection, and of course, the 1979 classic about our favorite band of leather-vested hard-luck hooligans. Read an interview about it in The Local. Today from noon to five at the Brooklyn Campus of Long Isand University Spike Lee screening room, room 122 in the Library Learning Center. No address listed on the release for this, but the campus is at Flatbush and Dekalb.
Event #2: SCORE! a gigantic swap at the BKLYNYard, an outdoor music space on Carroll Street between Nevins and Bond. The big giveaway, today from 11 to 6, is sponsored by local groups (FreeNYC, Newmindspace, RefugeNYC, MeanRed Productions), attendees are encouraged to bring clothing, books, music and kitchen miscellaney to trade for others’ toss offs. Unclaimed merch will be collected by Rock and Wrap It Up, an anti-poverty group that distributes donations to non-profits throughout the city. Find out more here BKLYNYard.
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