Christmas is over, and it’s time for us to leave all that crap about kindness towards our fellow human and hearts bursting with charity behind, buried until Decmeber 2016 rolls around. It also means it’s time to ditch your Christmas tree, before it becomes a sad, molting mess of brown pine needles and sagging decorations. You could just dump it on the street (make sure you follow the Department of Sanitation’s rules), like common garbage, but there’s another way you can dispose of your tree. You could take your tree and return it to the Earth at Muclhfest this weekend, the city’s annual Christmas tree cull!
Mulchfest is our annual tradition in which Christmas trees that families once gathered around are fed into wood chippers like so many Carl Showalters (BYO haunting Carter Burwell soundtrack). This weekend, on January 9 and 10 from 10am to 2pm, parks around the city will be full of the sound of wood chippers pulping Christmas trees. In Brooklyn, you can find them in Prospect Park, Cobble Hill Park, Fort Greene Park, Maria Hernandez Park, Marine Park, McGolrick Park and Owl’s Head Park. If you can’t make it to a chipping site or just can’t bear to watch your tree go into the great beyond, there’s also a list of drop-off locations on the Muchlfest site.
Beyond giving a secret thrill to your Grinchy side by watching a Christmas tree get shredded, you’ll also be doing a good thing for the Earth and the city, as the wood chips from the trees will be used to nourish and support plantings and trees in gardens and parks around the city. Plus, you can even go home with your own bag of bonafide New York City Mulch, which is kind of good, hearty mulch that will let your backyard garden grow strong and healthy in the harsh city environment.
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