It’s starting to finally feel like summer, with the high temperatures and humidity the season is supposed to have. And while that’s way better than when it’s cold in the winter, it might be leaving you a little hot and thirsty. This weekend at least, you can solve those problems for free, because it’s Free Slurpee Day, so 7-Eleven is just giving away Slurpees will nilly.
See, Saturday is July 11, which could also be seen as 7/11 (at least in America), and 7-Eleven is the name of the convenience store that serves Slurpees. With that clever setup in mind, 7-Eleven is celebrating the date that’s the same as their store name by giving away small Slurpees to anyone who shows up between 11am and 7pm. It’s gonna be close to 90 degrees Saturday, so ducking in for a quick brain freeze probably isn’t the worst thing in the world when it’s 100% free. Plus, if the 7-Eleven is near a liquor store, you could get a free Slurpee and then just pop in to the liquor store to get something to turn it into a boozy slushy. That’s how you do summer.
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