Let me be honest with you here for a second: digging for jobs is hard work. Scrolling through page after page of people looking for “interns” and “willing to pay with exposure” to find the actually awesome jobs is tough, but I know that if I can help just one person get the job that makes people give an impressed look when they’re introduced at dinner parties, I’ll know my work has paid off. That’s a little something called job satisfaction, and if you don’t know anything about that, just keep on reading, because these jobs will provide it.
Cheese is very good. If you would like to have the job convincing everyone else of this undeniable fact, then good news: Murray’s Cheese is hiring a Public Relations Specialist! The job requires previous media experience in the New York food world and skills setting up events, and will likely keep you very busy, but when the Christmas bonus is a block of cheddar the size of your head, I think it’s worth it in the end.
If you think you’ve got that rare golden ear, then Butter Music+Sound would like to have a word with you. They are currently hiring for an Associate Music Producer position, which means presumably that you should start clearing off your walls now for all the gold records that are going to be hung on them. The position is very entry-level, so if you’ve been looking for a way to bust into the industry of rock and roll, this is it.
Do you like sneakers? Do you own more than five pairs? Do you have a glass case with track lighting and a rotating pedestal for your shoes? SneakerNews.com certainly hopes so, because they’re currently looking for a Junior Editor for their site, and this Junior Editor is going to have to know his kicks. The job requires some basic writing skills, and some Photoshop/social media experience would be appreciated, but really a strong bond with your Jordans is all you need to get through the door here, so get to stepping.
Alright, we all know that our new generation loves to create things, and if the list of things you like to make happens to include sweaters and scarves, then Vogue might just be looking for you. Vogue Knitting is currently hiring an Administrative/Sales Assistant to help keep the office together, bring in new business, and yarn-bomb everything in sight. The position is fairly entry-level for someone looking to get into sales, and I’m betting that with all the time spent on the phone, your hands are going to be pretty busy.
If Girls has taught us anything (and it hasn’t), it’s that there is nothing cooler for a young millennial to do than work in an art gallery. Fortunately, an unnamed gallery in Nolita is hiring an Assistant, so your dreams are about to become reality. Beyond being comfortable schmoozing with the artistic elite, the job requirements just include previous experience doing administrative work, although they are willing to train the right candidate, so I suppose all you really need is the that inexplicable “it” (and if you have to ask what that’s referring to, stick to the administrative experience).
Finally, if you, like most people at Brokelyn, spend all of your time on the internet and would like to start getting paid for it, send in an application to Greatist to become their new Audience Development Associate. The company has a Webby and was recently voted as one of the best start-ups in America to work for, so as far as office jobs go, this one would not suck. The job itself requires managing and analyzing their readers, and an anthropology degree would be very useful (see? Now who should have gone to medical school, Dad). Just remember, you’re the greatest, they’re the Greatist, it’s a perfect fit!
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