You know what? You’ve been working at that old, dead-end job for too long! What’s that? You just started it? Well even so, it’s been long enough! You deserve a job that makes you skip to work in the morning, that makes you whistle on the train (until somebody hits you for not shutting up), that makes you feel good! And while there are several recreational drugs that can also do that, this way you also get paid for your time and don’t have to talk to anyone named “Spider.” So get out there and get hired!
Have you ever painted your face to go to a sporting match? How about your whole torso? Are you excellent with computers? If you said yes to all three questions, then first off, I am very surprised that people like you exist, and second, you’ll be very surprised to hear that ESPN is hiring a Production Assistant! They are looking for huge sports nerds to handle all of the day-to-day production work, and bonus if you can carry on a conversation about some of the weirder “sports” like cricket or rugby (if you play rugby, please don’t hurt me).
If you consider yourself a “man’s man” and a “decent photographer”, then have I got good news for you: Men’s Journal is hiring on an Assistant Photo Editor to take pictures of all their cool stuff! The position involves collaborating with the design and editing branches as well as some budgeting and credit-writing, but I’m sure you’re man enough to rise to the challenge.
Being a coordinator and a PR Assistant? Stressful. Being a Coordinator and PR Assistant at a spa? Less so. Susan Ciminelli Beauty Clinic is looking for someone to manage their appointments, keep their Instagram filled with candles, and generally keep the place from looking like anything other than a very soothing spaceship. Hospitality experience is a plus, as well as any computer knowledge, and ideally the skin of a porcelain angel.
If having a giant, infinite wardrobe like out of that one scene in the Matrix is something that might appeal to you, then get over to the Rent the Runway site right now, ’cause they are looking to fill a few different positions. The site, which rents out high-fashion goods to what they probably call “commoners,” is looking for a full-time Social Media Coordinator, so if you’ve got some experience professionally tweeting about fashion, then this job could fit just right.
Maybe you’re more into dressing your apartment then dressing yourself, in which case I’d like to point out that this anonymous but high-end Interior Design Firm is now hiring for an Assistant/Junior CAD Planner. So, if your design game is up to snuff and you think sofas can transcend to art, send in your expertly-designed resume sooner rather than later.
Alright, this right here is why we move to Brooklyn: New start-up? Check. Focused on social media? Check. Run by people formerly in charge at Microsoft and Starbucks? Check. Crazy office and outdoor meetings? Come on, like you even have to ask. Hearsay Labs is hiring on a Customer Support Associate to help manage their companies trying desperately to remain hip, so if you’ve got some customer service experience, there’s a bouncy ball at a desk with your name on it.
Alright, now I know most of us here are rock’n’rollers, but classical music is called that for a reason, and if you happen to agree with that sentiment, then you’re exactly the kind of person Hemsing Associates is looking for to fill their Publicity Associate position. Hemsing, which is a PR firm that deals mainly in Classical musicians, is looking for someone with a knowledge of current Classical musicians and some basic PR experience, and if you fit the bill and are looking for a job, well then that’s music to their ears.
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