You there, sadly looking out at window at the piles of slush and ice you were gingerly walking over today, stop doing that this instant. Instead, start cutting up pairs of jorts, get your Latrell Sprewell jersey out of the back of the closet and start thinking about how you’re going to complain about how hot it is in a couple months, because we bring you another herald of summer today. The Northside Festival just announced their headlining bands, and they somehow managed to get all of your favorites, like Run the Jewels, Built to Spill, Neko Case, Against Me! and Best Coast.
Northside is going down from June 11-14 this year, so those will be a few days where we can blessedly stop talking about the shrinking creative capital of Williamsburg and talk more about “So are you gonna go see Neko Case or are you gonna try to elbow your way to the front for Run the Jewels?” There’s no word on what days and where the bands are playing yet, but that shouldn’t necessarily stop you from buying a Northside badge today, especially since for 48 hours they’re 20% cheaper than usual and will only run you $56. Figure out the logistics and paying for that doctor’s appointment later, you’ve gotta lock down your appointment with good times in the summer.
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