Nine Inch Nails didn’t come out just to play. Not to mince words, but Trent Reznor doesn’t mess around. The October 16 show at the Kings Theatre was nothing short of kick ass mastery. (Plus the opener, one of my favorite bands, The Jesus and Mary Chain was life-changing).
Reznor is in full swing for their Cold and Black and Infinite North America tour, and didn’t leave any showstoppers behind. With heavy drums, layered synths, and complex riffs. In short, Nine Inch Nails puts on a solid set and it is hard.
With some typical NIN traditions, Reznor kept “Terrible Lie” early in the set list, featured some hits like “Closer” and “Head Like a Hole,” and wrapped with “Hurt.” (Full disclosure: the first time I saw NIN in all its glory, I was 14 at Madison Square Garden and it blew my mind).
However, there were quite a few exciting and thrash-worthy pleasant surprises: NIN debuted “The Perfect Drug” on this North American tour, and this show specifically saw the tour debuts of “Something I Can Never Have” and “I Do Not Want This.”
If Pretty Hate Machine had a remarkable effect on you, or triggered a new must-listen groove in your ears, last night’s show was the perfect showcase for NIN’s imitable and iconic first release. The sensory, sonic-laden experience left me in another world.
Curious over the rest of last night’s songs? Browse the entire set list here. And there’s some pretty sweet video uploads on r/nin, if you dig Reddit.
And, a little favorite of mine from the tightly engineered and meticulously curated show? Reznor brought out a perfect cover: Gary Numan’s “Metal” from the 2000 Things Fall Apart era and it was nothing short of divine. I’m still fanning myself and praying over last night’s glorious show. You should too – Nine Inch Nails is playing their last show at the Kings Theatre again tonight.
P.S. In the mood for some good NIN-based humor? Check out: Which NIN song are you based on your zodiac sign?
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