Are you a “don’t touch me until I’ve had my morning coffee” kind of person? Hah, trick question. We all are! Until Sigmund Freud climbs out of his grave and gives impassioned testimony in front of Congress on the benefits of cocaine, coffee is all we have to get us through the day, alert and chewing on our pens with nervous energy. Fortunately, today is National Coffee Day. Originally started to bring attention to the plight of small coffee farmers, it now exists to bring some relief to the under-caffeinated masses with free coffee from a few chains.
The deals aren’t exactly spilling out onto the street, but free coffee is free coffee. You can pop in at McDonald’s today or tomorrow for a free small coffee. Dunkin’ Donuts is celebrating the day by dropping the price of a pound of coffee to $5.99 on Saturday and Sunday, and selecting five hundred and ninety-nine people to win a pound of coffee between today and Sunday who tweet at their account with the #DunkinNCD hashtag to. Canadian interloper Tim Hortons (which has a Brooklyn location) is offering a coupon for a buy one, get one free deal today, although you have to print it out. Come on guys, what is this, the Stone Age?
But we haven’t heard anything from our local coffee dispensaries. Are you out there, Brooklyn cafes? Are you joining in with the celebration, or is this just a cynical customer grab from mega-corporations with deep pockets and large profit margins? Let us know in the comments!
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