If you survived the first blizzard of 2016, by not dying of alcohol poisoning or murdering the person you lived with because they just wanted to watch Narcos all weekend, congratulations! The work however, is not done. The city is still covered with snow that has filled up many stairways and street corners. And you can make some extra money helping them out.
The Sanitation Department needs people to help shovel the streets of the city we all pay too much to live in. Of course, no one wants to spend their entire day shoveling snow, seeing as it’s what a lot of us left the suburbs to avoid. Unlike your childhood home however, the city will pay you for the work, with actual cash, not “moral responsibility” or whatever shill your parents try to pull to avoid opening their wallets. Details below:
All you have to do is bring “two small photos (1 ½ square),” two forms of ID (originals and copies of both are required) and your Social Security or Tax ID card to a local sanitation garage (locations below). You will be paid $13.50 an hour for 40 hours; overtime is $20.25.
Check this page for the full listing of locations where you can sign up between the hours of 7am and 3pm, but here are the Brooklyn spots:
North Brooklyn
Brooklyn 1
161 Varick Ave.
Scholes and Stagg St.
Brooklyn 2
465 Hamilton Ave.
2nd Ave. & 14th St.
Brooklyn 3
525 Johnson Ave.
Varick Ave. & Stewart Ave.
Brooklyn 4
161 Varick Ave.
Scholes and Stagg St.
Brooklyn 5
606 Milford St.
Cozine & Flatlands Ave.
Brooklyn 8
1755 Atlantic Ave.
Atlantic & Schenectady Ave.
Brooklyn 9
690 New York Ave.
Winthrop St. & Parkside Ave.
Brooklyn 16
922 Georgia Ave.
Wortman & Cozine Ave.
Brooklyn 17
105-02 Ave. D
105th & Bank St.
South Brooklyn
Brooklyn 6
127 2nd Ave.
11th & 12th St.
Brooklyn 7
5100 1st Ave.
51st & 52nd St.
Brooklyn 10
5100 1st Ave.
51st & 52nd St.
Brooklyn 11
1824 Shore Pkwy.
Bay 41st St. & 26th Ave.
Brooklyn 12
5602 19th Ave.
55th & 58th St.
Brooklyn 13
2012 Neptune Ave.
West 20th & 21st St.
Brooklyn 14
1397 Ralph Ave.
Chase Ct. & Ditmas Ave.
Brooklyn 15
2501 Knapp Street
Ave. Z & Voorhies Ave
Brooklyn 15—49th Street
1750 East 49th Street
Ave. N & East 49th Street
Brooklyn 18
105-01 Foster Ave.
Ave. D & Foster Ave.
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