A month ago we asked you who should be the new King and Queen of Brooklyn, and put forward a slate of candidates we thought were worthy of the royal honors. So much choice can be confusing to voters though, and none of the candidates managed to capture 50% of the vote. We decided to have a runoff to determine things once and for all, with the two top couples facing off head to head to determine once and for all who should be Brooklyn’s new King and Queen. So, it comes down to The Grand Prospect Hall Couple against King Henry and The Girl of Gotham.
Before you vote, make sure you read about the royal qualifications for each candidate in our profiles of the Halkiases, the Gotham Girls roller derby team and King Henry. Also take into account what the prospective monarchs have promised:
Gotham Girls: “Represent all walks of life and any women in Brooklyn you will find,” run a Junior Roller Derby program for young Brooklynites to get involved in athletic activities. Offering a special roller derby performance, TBA
King Henry: Has been called the King of Brooklyn by Marty Markowitz himself, is an active and philanthropic member of the Bensonhurst-Bay Ridge Kiwanis Club. Offering 100 Cyclones tickets in the bleacher seats to be raffled off/given out by Brokelyn. A pre-game coronation ceremony and a shoeshine from King Henry for the first five fans who show up to the game.
Grand Prospect Hall couple: Mrs. Halkias has “worked so hard for so long, her blood turned blue,” according to Mr. Halkias, and run perhaps the most iconic TV commercial in Brooklyn. Offering a free, four-hour, beer-and-wine, passed hors d’oeuvres party with a band or DJ for a few hundred people.
So there you have it. Vote below on your pick for Brooklyn’s royal duo and tell your friends, because this legally binding election (running Monday to Friday) could have consequences for years to come.
[polldaddy poll=8709767]
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How can a TEAM be a King or Queen??? Doesn’t make sense. I LOVE the gals, but they should be the Royal Roller Derby Girls of Kings County, not King & Queen! Vote for the Halkias’ & enjoy a great party at the Grand Prospect Hall (Palace!) They belong being the King & Queen, the team – a most royal team! :)
Not only can a team not be king or queen, the run-off isn’t on an equal playing field: a team has an exponentially greater ability to pad votes by virtue that it’s a team. Doesn’t really make any sense… just sayin’…
Agree. This does not make any sense. Le Gran’ Prospe-Hall 4EVA.