For almost six years, Brokelyn has brought you the best coverage in all of Brooklyn for things like cheap bottomless brunch deals, free bar food, outdoor bars and how to jump on the Mets’ bandwagon. While we’re more than happy to cover lifestyle issues like that, we’ve also covered weightier topics like gentrification, real estate horrors, modern feminism and the Occupy movement. And now that work on harder news has paid off, because tomorrow afternoon on Facebook Live, we’ll be interviewing President Barack Obama.
Yes, you read that right, the leader of the free world, the commander in chief, the big kahuna himself Barack Obama will be sitting down with us to talk about any and all issues related to urban living in the 21st century. In the waning months of his presidency, we’ve seen President Obama step down the ladder to grace smaller publications and figures like Buzzfeed and Anthony Bourdain with a little one-on-one time. And now, by a few small miracles, it’s our turn.
What can the federal government do to help out with mass transit? Gentrification? Fair policing? We’ll be talking with the president about all that and more on our Facebook Live broadcast, while also sharing any questions you’ve been dying to ask Obama, tomorrow at 1:40pm. So tune in and get ready to make some Brooklyn blog history with us.
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How the hell did you pull that off? And do you need anything photoshopped for the president of the united states of america?