Hey, all you lady writers of Brooklyn, how do you feel about sharing some of that talent/confidence/fortissimo you’ve built up over the years with a budding teen girl scribe? Well, now’s your chance to do just that: Girls Write Now, an organization aimed at helping at-risk and underserved girls in city public schools become professional writers, is looking for mentors to pair up with some of their students, and they’re accepting applications from professional women writers until May 15.
To qualify as a mentor, you have to have two years of professional writing experience, and you must be willing to commit to a one-on-one mentoring session on a weekly basis from September through next June. Girls Write Now also offers monthly writing workshops for mentors and mentees, in addition to special events, college prep and reading series. To apply, the organization asks you to send your portfolio or writing samples along with your resume and an application to mentor@girlswritenow.org by the deadline; maybe you’ll be the one to help guide the next Zadie Smith or Miranda July!
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Is it really necessary to separate people by gender for writing volunteer work? I would actually consider helping out, but I’m a male, and it looks like males are not welcome. Try to find a similar writing seminar open only to boys that’s only taught by men. Is this what the 21st century supposed to look like?