Depending on how many Bernie supporters you’re friends with, your newsfeed is likely full of people complaining about the voting problems in the Arizona primary where long lines and and lack of ballots led to accusations of voter suppression. Whether it was actual fraud or just nincompoopery, we don’t know, but there is definitely a trend in this country where every single major election our voting system behaves like my winter wardrobe: perennially under prepared and almost immediately overwhelmed. Well, we’ve only had 16 years since Bush/Gore to sort this out and who can figure anything out in 16 years. Anyway, instead of clogging your friends’ feeds when the New York primary comes around April 19, you can do something to help the process. The Board of Elections is hiring poll workers, and you can make $200/day doing it!
The Board of Elections is looking to hire people for the next upcoming elections, including the presidential primary on April 19, the general election on Nov. 8 and a few smaller contests before then. They’re also hiring interpreters and inspectors.
To qualify for the job, you only have to be a registered voter in New York, which is not a lot of qualifications tbh. It looks like it’s going to be a busy election season in New York too: more than 20,000 first-time voters registered this year in an “unprecedented surge,” according to NBC New York.
Poll workers make $200/day, and hours are 5:30am until the votes are tallied at 1opm. There’s a mandatory training session which you get paid $100 for too. To apply, go here.
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