If that bizarre warm yellow thing spilling in from your windows (we think it’s called…sunshine?) hasn’t already tipped you off, summer is ALMOST HERE. And with it comes that welcome onslaught of outdoorsy things, like backyard bar happy hours, rooftop parties and… concerts at the Williamsburg Waterfront! The Open Space Alliance just announced the first show in this summer’s concert series: The Shins will be headlining on May 26th, along with special guest Man Man. Break out that two-tone American Apparel baseball tee you bought in 2005, folks, because this is baby’s gonna be a throwback, and a welcome one at that!
That’s right, James Mercer and company (along with Richard Swift, Crystal Skulls’ Yuuki Matthews and Modest Mouse drummer Joe Plummer) will be playing North 12th Street and Kent Ave for, oh, just $45 a pop, plus Ticketmaster processing fees, but what’s that as compared to an evening with Zach Braff’s favorite band of all time? This music will change your life. Again. Just like it did when you were a junior in high school, and you listened to “Kissing The Lipless” on repeat and your AIM screen name referenced New Slang. Whatever, we’re in. Tickets go on sale at noon on Friday; BYOB emotions.
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