Ever go to a mini-golf course and have a screaming breakdown because you think some idiot designed the holes to be impossible to finish under par? Just us, huh? Well, unresolved issues with mini-golf courses or not, you’ve got a chance to prove you can design a great hole, because FIGMENT NYC is calling for proposals for their ever-changing course on Governors Island. Just make sure it’s child-friendly, you don’t want to see a legion of frustrated kids swinging golf clubs around.
FIGMENT wants their course this year to reflect the theme of “New York City Now,” so think things like people’s tribunals, trashcan fires and poor children who will grow up without knowing the joys of a glass and garbage-filled vacant lot. Actually, don’t put your eggs in that basket, because even if FIGMENT’s judges determine that a #deblasiosnewyork mini-golf hole is child-friendly, they’re looking for a diverse perspective on what the city is now. So you’ll need SOME nice things.
According to FIGMENT, submitted designs will be judged on the following: creativity, durability, playability, feasibility, adherence to theme, budget and community involvement. You’re gonna be the one putting it together, so before you put together a hole where you try to shoot a ball over the contours of a frustrated Carmelo Anthony, just remember that you better be able to build it if it’s selected. But, if you’re handy and artistically inclined, download the full submission packet at the bottom of the page, and get to it.
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