Basking in the joy of recent engagement? Know a bride-to-be in search of the perfect non-trad gown? Shoot us an e-mail and we’ll get you into Brooklyn Based‘s inaugural wedding fair this weekend—for free!
Dubbed Wedding Crashers, the event is a one-stop spot to meet Brooklyn-centric caterers, bands, florists, dress designers and the like, this Saturday (Jan. 9) at the Bell House. Pick up tips on everything from DIY cermonies to food-and-wine pairings. More than 30 Brooklyn vendors will share their wedding wisdom during a handful of informational sessions. (“Catering on a Budget” is at 12:45—we’re so there!)
Full-day tickets are $40 a person, and we’ve got a pair to give away. Email us by Friday (Jan. 8th) noon at weddings@brokelyn.com with your favorite budget wedding tip (for possible use in an upcoming feature), and we’ll pick a winner. You must be on our mailing list to win (i.e. the occasional recipient of an awesome newsletter). Sign up here.
Wedding Crashers, Saturday January 9, 10:30am – 5pm, The Bell House 149 7th St. 718-643-6510
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i’m not entering but here’s a tip. buy big cheap glass bowl or giant plant vases at ikea. fill with fuit. voila, bargain centerpieces. for a tall vase, lemons or other citrus work great. for shallow, grapes look nice.