Have you taken the opportunity to ride New York City’s big blue doom machines, better known as Citi Bike? We know, as bikes they’re not like your fixie. But they get the job done, and it’s better to use these on these snow-covered roads that will get your bike dirty, and opposed to a bike you’ll have to clean. Of course, the price could also be a sticking point, so that’s why it’s nice to know that they’re giving away a free day pass if you sign up for their email list.
Just follow the above link and “Like” the page for the sign up (you can take back the like after you get your code). The pass is good for 24 hours and you can use it any day up to April 30. Just think of it as insurance if you don’t want to walk somewhere anymore but you know that you’ll get there faster on a bike than on the subway. Much like the time you could trade your email address for a cupcake awhile back, you’re not giving much up to get something useful. And we’re sure you have some vestigial email address somewhere if you really can’t bear to click “unsubscribe” in a couple of weeks if you don’t want bike share emails popping up in your “Promotions” tab on Gmail that you never check anyway.
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Good idea except for the part about limiting it to people on Facebook. Not everyone is.
Citibike, being useful, will probably be around long after Facebook has hit the scrap heap of history, somewhere next to AOL, Friendster, Second Life, et al.
love it
City bikes are awesome