Boerum Hill/ Gowanus

Best date of the weekend: Slammer?! I hardly even know her!

Motherlovers reunite in front of the Brooklyn Detention Center.

Need a free date idea that borders on macabre this weekend? Don’t pass up the opportunity to tour Brooklyn’s own house of detention free of admission before its grand reopening in early February. The towering, 759- bed gray building in Boerum Hill was constructed on Atlantic Avenue in 1957 as a jail for men, but was shuttered in 2003 due to budget cuts. If you’re curious about the history of the institution (or just want to get the words “penal system” into your date), Warden Walter Nin will be on hand to answer questions throughout the tour, which will include the cells, kitchen and medical clinic. We can’t guarantee a hint of romance — although it worked for Lonely Island’s Mother Lovers, who featured the jail in the opening shot of its video —  but we can guarantee that it will cost you less than dinner at Chef’s Table around the corner.

The Brooklyn Detention Center opens its cell doors this Saturday from 10am until 1pm. RSVPing to Delilah Ortega in the DOC Department of Public Information:


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