If, after your holiday celebrations have come and gone, you find your apartment saddled with the rapidly decaying corpse of what used to be a Christmas tree but is now just the saddest January tree, fear not. This weekend, give it a proper goodbye/put it out of its misery at the city’s annual MulchFest, run by NYC Parks, the Department of Sanitation, and GreeNYC at Prospect Park and other locations citywide.
This Saturday and Sunday, January 10 and 11 from 10am-2pm, do your part to help various plantings thrive citywide by taking your tree to any of these listed chipping sites, and once again appreciate the irony that something that was just the pride and centerpiece of your home instantly became very tall trash for you to dispose of.
While there’ll be chipping locations across the city, each borough will have a promo site where you can enjoy some refreshments as a reward for all that hard tree-lugging work. Brooklyn’s will be Prospect Park, where Whole Foods, Cabot Cheese and Mama Mia will be there go give you a hero’s welcome, by which we mean the provision of snacks. If you’d like, you can even take a bag of mulch home to use in your own backyard, if you’re so completely baller like that and have one of those. Just make sure you remove any ornaments, tinsel, and all other decorations before you bring that spruce out.
Sure, you could also leave your tree on the curb for Sanitation to take, but why do that when you can have free refreshments? Besides, this way, you can totally just pretend your tree is Steve Buscemi in Fargo.
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