Whether the summer turns out to be hot and rainy or hot and not so rainy, the important thing is that it’s gonna warm up soon and your thoughts might turn to surfing. If you can surf, anyway. If you can’t though, you may as well start living vicariously through other people’s shredding now, and you can do that by heading to Proteus Gowanus (543 Union Street) on Thursday night to see three documentaries on women who’ve dominated the oceans with their board skillz.
Tomorrow night, April 24, at 7pm Proteus will be screening a trilogy of surfing documentaries by filmmaker Charlotte Lagarde. Two of the films, Zeuf and Swell are on the shorter end, and are about a breast cancer surviving ICU nurse surfer and an intergenerational group of lady surfers in Santa Cruz, California, respectively. The final film, Heart of the Sea, is an hour-long look at Rell “Kapolioka’ehukai” Sunn, who not only help found the Women’s Professional Surfing Association but also found time to become an active breast cancer activist.
After the movies, Lagarde will be around to talk about what it was like to film all of the documentaries and get to have your job be filming people doing awesome surfing tricks. The cost for watching these inspirational stories and cool archival surfing footage? Just a $5 suggested donation. But we mean, pay the donation, because if you won’t pay a tiny price to see cool surfing documentaries, what exactly will you pay for?
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