Overthrow, the East Village spot that’s sometimes called the home of “hipster boxing gym” [falls to the mat in a TKO from groaning], knows you have frustrations with this election cycle. They also know that you probably sometimes want to pop Donald Trump right in his loose meat bag of a face or pop him, just one time, right in the racist mouth hole. That would probably be tricky to pull off, so instead they want to help you take out your aggression in healthy ways, and also to do the most important thing this election season: vote. So, according to Bedford + Bowery, Overthrow has created a “Knockout Trump” truck they’re touring around the city for the next few weeks, where you can both punch a Trump-faced punching ball AND register to vote.
“This might be a marketing stunt right out of Donald’s playbook,” Overthrow owner Joey Goodwin told the site, “but in terms of him actually being president of the most powerful country in the world, the United States of America, I think it would be a very scary situation.”
Look for the struck around Trump Tower, Hillary Clinton’s Downtown Brooklyn office, the Supreme store and elsewhere. Read the full story and interview with Goodwin here. Overthrow took over the old Yippie building in the East Village, if that tells you anything about where political protest has come since the ’60s.
The deadline to register in New York for the general election in November is Oct. 14 — that’s very soon! If you don’t find the truck, here’s how you can still register.
This is the best (legal) anti-Trump aggression since the McCarren Trump pinata. It’s still unclear if the real Trump can even take a punch.

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