Hey guys, are you excited about the Brokelyn High Homecoming Dance? We sure are, and one of the reasons is that our host, “Principal” Scott Rogowsky is clearly excited as well. Why else would he book Dustin Diamond for the premiere Season 6 of “Running Late With Scott Rogowsky” tonight at 8pm, if not to get into the mindset of a high school principal? Well OK, probably because also it should make for an interesting show, what with the Saved by the Bell Lifetime movie having just come out and Diamond bringing the cast of Bayside! The Musical! with him.
In case you hadn’t heard, Dustin Diamond has been pretty busy since Saved by the Bell went off the air. He made a porno, he’s been on a heap of reality shows and he wrote a SBTB tell-all that got turned into a ridiculous-looking Lifetime movie:
Aside from chatting about those things, Diamond will also have the cast of parody musical Bayside! The Musical! in tow to do a performance, since he’s also been making appearances on that show. Of course, even if you’re not in a 90s nostalgia kind of mood, there’s more to look forward to at Littlefield tonight.
There’ll be whatever video Scott comes up with, which will hopefully be as good as the time he went looking for Williamsburg real estate. Also, one of his guests is “professional bridesmaid” Jenny Glantz, who you might recognize from her famous Craigslist ad which apparently led to actual real-life opportunities to be a professional bridesmaid. Incidentally, she once went on a date with Scott, so if you’re a fan of watching two people who once went on a date reunite and see what they say about the date, this could be your night. It’s all yours for just $6 if you buy tickets in advance, and $8 at the door. We think you should go, it’s about as easy a way to get brownie points with the principal as there is.
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