Even if you read Brokelyn every day, there are things you might not know about the two tireless editors who make it happen. Tim has two career-related tattoos, for example. And Sam is secretly Canadian, though maybe you knew that already. But the other thing you almost definitely didn’t know about your editors is, they’re vegan.
Yep, both Tim “No Beef With You” Donnelly and Sam “Does My Cat Feel Sadness” Corbin attempt to live lives of non-harm, opting for Trader Joe’s soyrizo and vegan queso instead of bacon and cheese on their nachos. We know way more about being vegan than BrooklynVegan! We also know that our lifestyle comes with a whole host of haterade, since no one really gets the whole vegan thing. People always wanna know where you get your complete proteins, or how you deal with pizza, or whether “you miss it.”
Well hey, we wanna answer those questions. So tomorrow (Friday) at 10am, Tim and I are going LIVE from Brooklyn on Facebook Live for a vegan Q&A. Ask us your questions! Maybe it’s stuff you’ve always wanted to know from a vegan but were too scared you’d offend them to ask. Maybe you’re vegan-curious and want to know about making a smooth transition without losing your BBQ-loving friends. Or maybe you’re also a vegan (nice) and you just wanna know where to eat in NYC without having to “just get sides.”
No matter the question, these hungry editors can handle it. We’ll be answering your questions while doing something else pretty excellent: trying to consume as many vegan pancakes as humanly possible. For a good cause, too, at vegan restaurant Champ’s Diner in Bushwick. Don’t worry, no one’s gonna vomit. That would be a gross thing to do on live television.
Champs Diner (197 Meserole St.) serves up 100 percent vegan American comfort food, and is offering the AYCE pancakes deal as part of a fundraising initiative for Goats of Anarchy, a national farm animal rescue organization. Vegan or not, make sure to head over to Champs yourself at some point tomorrow if you can, since the deal is on until 11:30pm. The unlimited short stack runs you just $11 and saves animals — plus, breakfast for dinner is almost better than breakfast for breakfast.
Need more convincing? Okay, here’s some baby goats. Here’s the goats’ nanny, a pig. Here’s goats ribbon dancing to Prince.
All you have to do to tune in tomorrow is grab a coffee, sit down and head over to our Facebook page a couple of minutes before 10am. As soon as we’re live, it’s all you. Ask us about being vegan, about lesser-known secrets for vegans in Brooklyn, and really any other questions you’ve been meaning to ask the editors of your favorite blog in town. If we can form sentences through mouthfuls of vegan dough and maple syrup, we’ll be sure to answer them.
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