Have you had fun bouncing on Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Squibb Bridge? Or freaking out friends by bouncing on it while they gripped the edges, clearly freaking out about the whole thing? Well, we hope you got your precious memories of that in, because according to the New York Times, the Squibb Bridge is going to be closed until the spring. Not for any big deal reason or anything, it’s just that engineers have to make sure the bridge can still actually stand instead of dropping you and your friends into traffic. Oh, maybe that is a big deal.
Regina Meyer of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation says that the park is acting cautiously and that engineers are trying to “understand” the bridge, hence the long shutdown. No one is quite sure what’s causing what park workers called “unusual movement, whether it just needed a little fine tuning or if it’s construction from nearby luxury housing going up in the park. The luxury housing reason would be good fuel for the coming class war, though.
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