Next time you can’t or don’t pay your rent on time, you’d better watch your ass, because you just might be getting The Boot. Not an eviction, but an actual kick from an actual boot, since as Brownstoner reports, the same Austalian firm that bought up most of Bushwick is buying buildings in Crown Heights and Bed-Stuy now. Clearly someone is hellbent on making America pay for Crocodile Dundee.
Browntsoner counted Australian investment firm Dixon Advisory as having bought five buildings recently in Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights. While that’s a far cry from the 71 Bushwick homes that Dixon owns now, they also paid a record home price ($2,250,000) for a Bed-Stuy townhouse. Given that so far it’s been all townhouses, there’s probably not much for you to worry about yet, because haha, since when can you afford to rent or even buy one of those?
Still, we think that this is a great opportunity for any politicians out there looking to cynically capitalize on anti-immigrant sentiment without seeming super racist. Australians are basically Americans with better accents, so slogans like “New York For New Yorkers, Not People Who Are In Many Ways Like Us But Have Different Passports” and “Tax The Rich From Other Places” are just begging to be shouted by an elected official.
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