If you’re not jumping on the fan-wagon for HBO’s Girls, had enough of the nostalgia-hype surrounding Mad Men, or are overwhelmed by the unrelenting slew of characters suddenly showing up and obfuscating the plot of Game of Thrones until your mind cave is left fully in the dark, stop your whining because no one cares about your opinion. However, if you’ve suddenly found yourself inspired to write your own television series in order to finally put all the others to shame, then take a gander at this: Amazon Studios, a seemingly non-evil subsidiary of Amazon.com, is on the prowl for original television scripts for comedy series and children’s series. In their words, “We’re looking for great scripts to turn into great entertainment. Will your story be the next big hit?”
Maybe you have what it takes? Maybe you don’t. At the very least, let the sweet smell of a $55,000 buy-out for your television series and a bunch of other incentives act as your guiding force. Amazon is looking to buy one show a month to debut on its streaming service.
Personally, I’m considering a comedy series called Brunch Boys, a Brooklyn-based spin-off of Sex in the City about a ragtag group of four hip guys from various racial, ethnic, regional and sexually oriented backgrounds who meet up with one another for brunch every Sunday. Of course, wit, hilarity and adventure ensue. Anyone out there wanna work on the pilot with me? Just think of all the brunch spots we get to hit up for “creative inspiration.”
Check out Amazon Studios for more info on how to submit.
Follow Etan: @BrooklynOnRye.
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