Last night, night owls, politics nerds and Twitter junkies (not CNN though) stared transfixed at their computer screens as Texas state senator Wendy Davis stood and filibustered for 13 hours to defeat a restrictive abortion bill in her home state. It was an inspiring, if eventually extremely confusing moment at the end, but it was also a stark reminder that you have to be vigilant in protecting reproductive rights. Don’t want to see your rights hinge on obscure parliamentary procedure rules and shouting? Consider giving money to one of these groups working to make sure it doesn’t come to that.
Planned Parenthood NYC: You can also give to their national branch, but on a purely local level, Planned Parenthood NYC is your sheriff working to make sure that women have access to safe, affordable healthcare options and contraception. You can also volunteer with their Activist Council, if you can put the time in for training.
New York Civil Liberties Union – Reproductive Rights: Billing itself as “the only New York State-based legal organization that focuses on reproductive rights,” the NYCLU has carved out a necessary niche in the abortion debate. You can make a one-time donation to the organization, become a full-fledged member or sign up for their email alerts so you know when they need your help.
New York Abortion Access Fund: We avoid the issue a little bit by throwing around the terms “pro-choice” and “pro-life”, but the issue comes down to whether or not you can get a legal abortion. And you shouldn’t not be able to get one for a lack of funds. The NYAAF provides help for people who can’t pay for an abortion fully themselves who lives in or is traveling to New York for one. You can help them with donations, hosting a fundraiser or volunteering in various ways with them.
NARAL Pro-Choice America: A group that’s been working for pro-choice causes for years now through lobbying and educations efforts on a national and local level. They’ve been working abortion rights since 1969 and are still going at it, most recently being a part of the effort to get insurance companies to cover birth control. You can donate or volunteer.
EMILY’s List: Hey, know an important way to keep politicians from passing restrictive abortion laws? Flood elections with money to elect pro-choice candidates. Money is power in politics, like it or not, and EMILY’s List is a PAC that‘s known for getting pro-choice women elected to national, state and local offices. You can contribute to the PAC here.
WIN. NYC: The Women’s Information Network is an overarching organization where where Democratic, pro-choice women can meet each other and get more active in the women’s rights movements. They provide opportunities for networking, phone banking, and other ways to get involved with local and national issues. You can donate to them, or if you’ve got a minute, join up as a volunteer.
And in the event you need an abortion, don’t forget we’ve got a roundup of local providers.
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Great post!! Thanks for supporting women’s health and reproductive freedom!
And Provide! They are doing incredible work in Southern and Midwestern states! http://www.provideaccess.org/
Re Emily’s List, I was very disappointed to see that they are supporting
Hanabusa in a primary against a progressive Dem Senator in Hawaii.
Waste of money, let save the funds for running someone against Louie Gomert. You don’t have to be a female politician to be pro choice.
“reproductive rights”, you mean Abortion?
Why the need to use the euphemism?
Just happened to come across this, clearly years after it was written. So much awesomeness!! Thank you!!