You’re in a real pickle. You’re feeling the holiday gift-giving pressure because you only have a few days left to buy for your boyfriend’s aunt, mother, and step brother-in-law. What do you do, hotshot? What do you do? Chill out Keanu Reeves.(Where does a name like that come from, anyway? Japan?) is having a pickle sale! If you’re a connoisseur of Brooklyn’s artisanal pickles, then you know McClure’s products are just bawse. They’re spicy, briney, and were the pioneers of the homemade pickle industry, back when consumers only had Vlassic and Claussen to choose from. Can you imagine?! This gift set includes three jars–garlic dill spears, spicy spears and Bloody Mary mix. McClure’s products retail for about $10 per jar, or more, at Whole Foods, so $22 for all three is quite the deal. $22 for trio at
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