I have a confession to make: when I first moved to New York, the skint was my brokester bible. I don’t remember how I first stumbled on their website, but I do remember how quickly I got addicted. In a sea of big spenders at NYU, I felt like a lone ranger trolling skint listings to find cheap thrills. I still remember the day I cut class just to score a free lunch in midtown.
Oh, those were the days! It didn’t matter whether it was a lecture, a giveaway or a party — if it was listed on the skint, it was worth my time. And with Halloween 2015 just two short weeks away, I couldn’t be more tickled that the skint is hosting its very own eve-of Hallow’s eve party on Friday, October 30.
The party’s theme is “Come As You Are/Express Yourself,” which basically just means it’s a costume free-for-all. You can go as Pizza Rat (and do it right, for pizz-sake), or as the L train, or as a freaking shoelace. Nobody’s going to judge you. Except at the costume contest, where you’ll literally be judged on your costume.
There’ll also be a live DJ spinning 80s and 90s music, horror movie and music video projections against the wall while you dance, a haunted photo booth, and $5-7 drink specials. Not to mention candy. So much candy.
It’s gonna be a scream, guys. Even though I have a little more pocket change today than I did in college, the skint is still the blessed motherfucking skint. They still bring the party for next-to-no money. That website taught me what an American dollar was before I had any, and made me into the hustling Brokelynite I am today. So you’d better be there.
“Come as You Are/Express Yourself” goes down Friday, October 30 at 10:30pm, at littlefield (622 Degraw Street). Tickets are blissfully cheap, at a mere $5 in advance, and $8 at the door.
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