Need a little more Canada in your life? Well, probably not, since secret Canadian mole Ted Cruz is dominating our news cycle by destroying the government. But if for some reason you do want some more Canada, we’ve got some good news: the Arcade Fire, polar opposites of Senator Cruz, are probably definitely playing not one, but two shows in this very borough of Brooklyn this week.

UPDATE: So the rumors were true, and if they weren’t, we all willed them into being by acting like they were true. The band will be playing in Bushwick, at 299 Meserole Street. Which, it must be said is near the boat that people were living on, so maybe that “eviction” was just a viral marketing stunt. Tickets will run you $45 bucks and are on sale here for Friday’s show and here for Saturday’s show.
Pre-sale starts today (10/16), this morning, at 10am, but to get access to it, you need to preorder the band’s new album, according to the Arcade Fire’s website. Like, the actual physical album, as down at the bottom it clearly states “iTunes purchases do not include first access to ticket sales.” Otherwise, you can take your chances playing the Ticketmaster game Thursday at 10am. Also keep in mind that “formal attire” or a costume is mandatory to go to the show, and given that the Arcade Fire is the most serious band since TV on the Radio, we doubt your tuxedo t-shirt is gonna cut it.
ORIGINAL POST: BrooklynVegan spotted the above poster while doing cool kid stuff in Red Hook over the weekend. Using the information at hand about the Arcade Fire, like the fact that they have an album called “Reflektor” coming out this month, that the Canadian collective is going to be in the city anyway and that everyone loves secrets, they’ve theorized that the Arcade Fire will be playing shows on Friday and Saturday. Is it a sure bet? Well, no. But now that you know about it, at least you can set up a GoogleAlert or something for it. We looked for answers in the black mirror before putting this post up, but all we got back from it was a creepy, solemn glance back that reminded us of the ever-present specter of death and sadness gripping the world.
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