The Week in Broketown, 8/11 – 8/15

One Last Shag, their nice backyard and their wine happy hour, beckons. Photo courtesy One Last Shag

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These wine happy hours were truly the happiest of hours

-Summer was kept alive by this streaming St. Vincent show

-But not by jerks drinking pumpkin beer in August

-Ze Germans admitted to Brooklyn Bridge white flag stunt, for “art”

-The Michael Jackson birthday celebration came back to town!

-But the Brooklyn Heights Cinema said they were closing

-Cops were on the lookout for cyclists breaking the law

-If you were on the lookout for jobs, BuzzFeed had a whole lot of them

So did we, in our jobs roundup

-NYC’s rent wasn’t the MOST expensive, just 6th most. Hooray?

-At least this Arcade Fire Groupon was cheap

Despite what you heard, Trader Joe’s isn’t coming to Prospect Heights

-Bedbugs continued their march of terror through the subway

-We loved Double Windsor, where it’s always summer and Skytown, which has homemade cheese

David Colon :