You’d think that being awesome at your given field and having a documentary made about you would make you safe from the city’s unyielding budget axe. Well, you’d be wrong and probably haven’t spent much time in city politics, because everyone’s worst fears about Williamsburg’s I.S. 318 losing their chess team, along with a ton of other schools losing their after-school programs could come true if the mayor’s budget is passed. Don’t want to see that happen? Rally ’round the team and after-school programs in general tonight in Williamsburg.
The Campaign for Children and the Afterschool Alliance are hosting a free screening of Brooklyn Castle, the documentary made about I.S. 318’s chess team, at St. Nick’s Alliance Williamsburg Beacon Center (850 Grand Street, Williamsburg), followed by a rally to save that team and after-school programs for thousands of other public school kids in the city. The cast from Brooklyn Castle will be in attendance, as will the film’s director, Katie Dellamaggoire. So hey, local celebrities!
If my past life at the Office of the Bronx Borough President taught me anything, it’s that city schools have to fight tooth and nail for every bit of after-school program funding they can get. And there still aren’t enough programs, not by a longshot. While it’s good that there’s a very visible program to draw attention to this problem, keep in mind that budget cuts will impact kids across the city, whose only crime is going to public school. So if you can, get out there tonight and support kids and public schools.
Brooklyn Castle Screening and Rally to Save After-school Programs, tonight, 5:30pm, St. Nick’s Alliance Williamsburg Beacon Center, 850 Grand Street, Williamsburg, FREE
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