So, the reality is that most voter turn out in Brooklyn plain out sucks. According to Gothamist, many districts fair a grade C or D. Yikes.
Data was gathered based on the last gubernatorial midterm election and the results were less than stellar. What does that mean?Essentially, out of the folks who are registered to vote, the turn out on an actual election day was pretty low. Take parts of Greenpoint for example, with a 21% turn out. Or, South Williamsburg with an 18% turn out. Clinton Hill was no better with a 16% turn out, too.
However, there were some bright spots. So, kudos to the communities that make it a point to get out there more and make their voices heard. Parts of East Williamsburg tipped out at 30% and Prospect Heights taking a lead at 32%.
What can you do to create positive change? Register to vote. Get your friends, loved ones, neighbors, and community members (especially those with limited access to transportation) to the polls. And, there’s more. Offer to babysit a child in your neighborhood while their mom or dad gets to a voting center. Volunteer on election day. Canvas. Be active. Engage your community. And don’t judge people for not voting previously, all that matters is what happens now.
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