Win a $867/month unit in this incredibly bland Downtown Brooklyn apartment building
Cheap is cheap, even if your new home does look like an oversized chocolate bar wielding the powers of gentrification.
Cheap is cheap, even if your new home does look like an oversized chocolate bar wielding the powers of gentrification.
An SEO slip up has the tab headline reading ‘421-a Homeless Advertisement.’
Prepare your paperwork and cross your fingers: Another affordable housing lottery is open to application in Brooklyn.
I mean, it’s a good deal, but like, it’s not a great deal.
The affordable housing lotteries are for three developments, one in Bed-Stuy and two in Downtown Brooklyn.
Is it really affordable anymore when the only people who are even eligible to apply make 120 percent of the area’s median income?
Call it a subsidized summer (if only). The borough still may be wildly overpriced but there’s been a seeming glut of housing lotteries opening of late.
Care to tempt fate? Here are the eligibility requirements.
What’s that, there in the distance – could it be, dare you believe? It is, it’s real: $780/month studio units close to public transit!
The best NYC can do in terms of affordability is offering six digit salary makers micro units through housing lotteries, apparently.