We told you Sandy would create jobs. A tipster on Facebook sent us the following job opportunities at ConEd:
ConEdison has IMMEDIATE openings (900) for Safety Site Inspectors stationed in every borough. Duties to include placing yellow safety tape around areas with downed trees ensuring that the public stay away from trees or downed lines. Candidates must have their own vehicle, clean driver’s license and work boots. Shifts from 7AM – 7PM, and 7PM – 7AM paying $25 per hour. (Company will waive background checks).
Also, Bi-Lingual Customer Service Reps (any language plus English) stationed in Brooklyn to answer and field incoming calls. $17 per hour.These positions are open to the public at large.Email resumes or letter of interest to: [email protected]. ALSO send resumes to [email protected] at Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration with subject line: ConEdison openings. We will send a package out to them today, Monday, but also will consider you for other job training and job openings that our Workplace and Asset Building unit is conducting/coordinating.
Then there’s this local gig via Twitter:
Search “hurricane” and “sandy” on Craigslist for loads of new cleanup, construction and security jobs.
PLEASE NOTE! Brokelyn is not associated with these employers. You must contact employers directly. Do not leave your contact information in the comments.
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I would like to help and i would do a good job.
I am interesting in helping, I am seeking employment
I;m unable to send my resume due to a computer era at my home,is there contact number or a destination that i may reach someone personally.I fit all creteria with being,unemployed,not receiving unemployment benifits,nor do i receive food stamps,I;ve went down several avenues trying to get my resume to someone to be considered for employment.Please help me,sending me in the right direction,your help is very much appreciated,and badly needed.Thank You,very much. Sincerly,JOE BUIE
As an EMT, I really a sense of how the victims are still suffering so therefore I m so devotated to offer myself and career to assist them and treat them the way they are supposed to be.!
Very truly yours,