Are you just bursting with knowledge about WordPress and HTML and have nowhere to use it? Do you like upstart women-run blogs that aren’t afraid to rank Luke Skywalker’s girlfriends in the Star Wars Expanded Universe? Are you a Goth? If you answered yes to any (but especially the first) of those questions, new-ish blog The Toast is interested in paying you for your services.
The Toast is the brainchild of Nicole Cliffe and Mallory Ortbeg, who you may recognize from their many contributions to the The Hairpin. It publishes daily, everything from cartoons to definitive lists on Star Wars to thought pieces on feminism. They don’t need a writing intern though, they need someone to work 5 to 10 hours per week to make sure the scripts on the website don’t run amok leaving a trail of destruction and confusing page layout in their wake, along with a little bit of comment moderation. For which they will pay you. And since they have a generally nice comment community, shouldn’t be a huge problem. Until they publish something that rankles men’s rights advocates. Then you’ll leap into action!
You can even work from home, which is nice because that way you can do your work in just floral printed board shorts and no one has to know! If you’re interested, shoot a resume over to mallory [at] the-toast.net by the end of the day PACIFIC time. Yeah sure one of your bosses will be one of those loony Californians, but maybe you’ll learn to relax or something?
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