Unless you’re like Penn and Teller and want to live in some libertarian netherworld where recycling is one of the great evils of the modern age, people are fans of recycling. Especially for things made out of plastic, since plastic is useful but awful since it never dies, just melts and gives off toxic fumes. Well, it did that or sit in landfills, but no more! The city has expanded its recycling program to include more rigid plastics, which means you can replace your literal tree hugging with a some metaphorical tree hugging.
It’s not just Trader Joe’s yogurt containers that are covered under the program (that would be weird though). The Department of Sanitation will also recycle things like those plastic containers you takeout food comes in, plastic coffee mugs and slop buckets. Basically what the announcement comes down to is that you won’t have to deal with those stupid numbers on the bottom of plastic containers anymore, because all of the plastic in the city is recyclable now. That includes those Power Rangers figurines you brought with you here ironically that no one got the joke about and thought were a 24-year-old man into Power Rangers. Although instead of throwing them out, you could also just donate them to charity.
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