Sometimes your tiny apartment gets a little too cluttered for your taste and you have a stoop sale. Brooklyn-based independent publishers Melville House Publishing knows what that’s like, but instead of putting out crap no one wants, the publisher is basically giving books away today at its DUMBO office/bookstore (145 Plymouth Street) with their Backlist Blowout Sale.
From noon to 9pm today, a huge selection of books from their back catalog will be on sale, with paperbacks going for only $1 and hardcovers for $2! Or if you’re really nuts about literature and can’t make up your mind on what to buy, for $25 they will give you a Melville House tote bag that you can fill with as many books as physically possible.
Yep, you read that right: $1 paperbacks, $2 hardcovers and $25 for a sack full of books, straight from a real publishing house. Oh, and let’s not forget to mention that with the purchase of any book you also get a FREE copy of H.G. Wells’ Invisible Man. It almost sounds too good to be true, but apparently their office is so inundated with books that they’re promoting this ridiculous(ly awesome) sale to make room for the new line of fall books they’ll be featuring soon.
As far as the type of books you can expect to find at the sale tomorrow, Melville House cuts a wide swath. They’ve got fiction ranging from relative unknowns to the likes of Tao Lin, Lars Iyer, Lee Rourke, and Christopher Boucher, and nonfiction books about heavy subjects like the CIA’s rendition program and Pakistan’s trading of nuclear technology to North Korea, Iran, and Libya. It’s all there! Don’t miss out on this killer deal, equipped with books to satisfy even the most curious of readers. See you there!
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