Spring is on its way, sort of, which means bright trees and bunnies and joy and other things we forgot exist are slowing creeping back into our frostbitten hearts. While we can’t do much to provide you with more bunnies and joy than we usually do, we can help you get some trees. As part of MillionTreesNYC, New York Restoration Project is hosting a tree giveaway this weekend, where you’ll be able to get a tree to plant and hug and do whatever else the kid in The Giving Tree does (except at the end, that part was sad).
This weekend’s giveaway at the Brooklyn Public Library in Greenpoint (107 Norman Avenue) marks the first of nineteen giveaways that will be happening in Brooklyn this year. To get a tree, you’ll have to register on the NYRP website in advance, though a couple trees will be available first-come, first-serve the day of the giveaway. You also need be able to plant the tree in the ground in your own yard and not along the street, in city parks, or in pots. You also can’t plant it in your bathtub; we tried that once and despite our really great diagrams, it didn’t turn out as we’d hoped. You definitely need to regularly water your new tree, though it probably wouldn’t hurt if you also wanted to sing and read to it.
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