How much do you love hamburgers? Not as a concept, we’re sure you love them plenty conceptually. We mean more along the lines of “Do you love hamburgers so much you could literally eat them every single day?” You better start thinking of the answer to that question now, because Groupon has laid an opportunity at your feet to do just that, with an offer that gets you burgers every day for a year at Philadelphia’s soon-to-be-imported PYT Burger for the low, low price of $144. That’s less than a $1/day for burgers, but on the other hand, good lord that’s a lot of hamburgers.
Burgers everyday for a year. For some, the dream, and now it’s a reality. The Groupon being offered allows you to buy a card that entitles you to a burger and fries every day for a full year at PYT, although beyond the challenge of gearing up to survive this, you can also only eat the meal in-store. So much for popping in and picking up dinner. Still, Groupon pegs the value at $4,380, so you’re probably not gonna come across a better value than this for quite some time.
The other catch to this deal, at least for New Yorkers, is that PYT won’t exist in New York City until July 2015, according to the Groupon copy. That would still give you a solid five-months plus to eat a hamburger every day if you decided to buy into this. Not to mention if you have friends in Philly, we guess this is as good a reason to visit as any.
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