If you’ve been hearing “Danger Zone” play while you walk around more often than normal, there’s a reason for that: drunken TV spy Sterling Archer is returning for a fifth season on Monday January 13. To hype up the adventures of the clean-shaven super spy, a mobile barber shop is setting up shop on 23rd Street, Between Madison Avenue & Park Avenue South in Manhattan to provide free shaves for anyone who lines up.
You aren’t even going to need to sign up for ISIS to get a shave, just hop in line and beat the six o’clock deadline. Which, seeing as how it’s a little late, rushing over there will feel just like a spy show! The shaves are free, so if you’ve been growing out a beard to protect your face from the polar vortex,and it’s a little tangled up at this point, you may as well let a trained beard technician deal with the fallout, or even give you a trim, since it’s still pretty cold out.
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