How about some free Sailor Jerry tattoos to go with your free CMJ?

Ow ow ow ow ow. via Facebook

You’ve been CMJing your bearded little heart out, but you still need something to really bring the rock and roll spirit to its peak. And then it hits you: tattoos! Of course! But why pay for them when you haven’t been paying for the shows? We agree, which is why we’ve added two shows to our free CMJ guide that come with fee tattoos and free alcohol. Beautiful time to be alive, huh?

On Friday AND on Saturday, Sailor Jerry’s is teaming up with BrooklynVegan on their showcases at Williamsburg’s All Right Baby (146 Broadway) to provide free Sailor Jerry-themed tattoos courtesy of tattoo artists from Three Kings. And it comes with a free rum drink! That’s good. The rum drink will impaur your decision making abilitites. That’s bad.

Friday’s showcase goes from 10am to 6pm, and Saturday’s free show goes from noon until 10pm. Entrance and tattoos for both shows are first come, first served, so if you’ve really been jonesing for that Sailor Jerry hula girl on your shoulder, get there early. Or sleep late and then push your way to the front, that’s what GG Allin would do.

David Colon :