Categories: Careers

High Times seeks social media editor who can create buzz

Don’t let this chance go up in smoke. via Facebook

Do you have a Twitter account that’s real buzzy? Do you have high standards for each Instagram picture and Facebook status update you put up? Ready to use those skills to bowl over a potential employer? We’ll be blunt then: you should apply for this job as social media assistant with High Times.“Maui wowwee,” you’re thinking to yourself, “a job at High Times.” It won’t be all bong rips and hazy, undefined responsibilities. You’ll be responsible for making sure that High Times has a dope social media presence all over the internet and you’ll work with their digital manager in a joint effort to make sure their website is constantly delivering the kind of content High Times‘ readership is used to.

If you’re going to zip your resume over there, try to highlight your presentation and project management skills, along with your writing skills. They want people to have two years of previous media experience, so it sounds like you can still be a little green if you want in, but just make sure you don’t overwork yourself and burn out if you get the job. Can’t have your future going to pot because you wanted to prove wheat a heady individual you were.

David Colon :