Categories: News

Kick FOMO to the curb with The Brokelyn newsletter

You are definitely missing out. Photo by Sarah Gainer.

This Halloween there’s something scarier than debt ceilings, lack of healthcare, and a Lhota-administration: Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO. It can attack at any time — birthday parties, second dates, your own wedding, even 4 a.m. on a Wednesday — and can ruin any fun moment. FOMO is most common with adults aged 18 to 35 and can strike without warning. Symptoms of FOMO include:

  • nausea
  • increased agitation
  • sore thumbs from over-texting friends
  • seriously considering an OKCupid blind date

Luckily there’s help: the free Brokelyn e-mail newsletter. Every week we comb through our events listings and send you the most interesting ones happening that weekend. We also give you the best of that week’s articles and a classic Brokelyn piece. Plus, we give away free tickets to events like home brew contests, Brooklyn Pour, GoogaMooga, the Cyclones, and more.

Don’t let FOMO ruin your weekend — sign up for the Brokelyn newsletter today.

Benefits of newsletter membership reported in lab animals include: attending free events, meeting attractive people, general feelings of well-being, dry mouth.
Conal Darcy :