One thing about sales is that while it’s great to save money, they’re often not random and out of control enough for our tastes. Great, 50% off jeans for a week, the same jeans, the same price cut. Exit9 Gift Emporium (127 Smith Street, Boerum Hill) knows how boring that is, so they’re holding a sale from February 21 to March 9 that they’re calling Price Is Right Sale, where the discounts on window items start at 30% tomorrow and then start going up progressively, reaching 85% off by March 8.
We spoke to an Exit9 employee on the phone, who told us that the sale wasn’t gonna just be a chance for them to get rid of crap they had gathering dust in the stockroom, so you’ll probably be able to grab a few good things if you swing by. Exit9, for the uninitiated sells all manner of cool gifts, from the flying light-up UFO thing seen above to jewelry to New York City paraphernalia. And if you find any of this stuff in the window of the store between February 21 and March 9, you’ll get it for a hell of a discount. Just don’t wait thinking you’ll find it cheaper the next day, since all the items on sale will be switched out daily.
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