Are you and your bunkmates getting excited for the Brokelyn Summer Camp Party on June 28 at Crown Victoria?! That’s just two weeks away, still plenty of time to practice your act for the camp talent show and learn how to properly salute your jorts. We’ll have an hour of open bar lovingly provided by Brooklyn Brewery, games, a photo booth, smores, a talent show, a special cheap bug juice cocktail and of course we’ve got our awesome raffle prizes for you to win: Not only do we have a BRAND NEW BIKE to raffle off courtesy of Ride Brooklyn, but our prize list is growing every day: You can also win a whole weekend at Hotel 718, a Brew Kit from Brooklyn Brew Shop, a four-pack of tickets to Guac Rock from Nachos NY, gift cards to Chip Shop and Ici, and much more!
Remember that all the money we raise at the party goes to help support Brokelyn and the work we do to try to make your life easier, so please come out to support us! Other amazing prices include:
-a gift card to Brooklyn Brainery.
-a Crest Hardware gardening pack
-a BioLite camp stove (on which we will be making smores too!)
-free entry to S3 Single Social Sports League.
-a huge chocolate gift pack from The Chocolate Room, incuding camp favorites like s’mores, and chocolate caramel popcorn.
-A Twenty Tees summer package.
-a gift pack of Cony Island themed edible art (aka cookies) from Sugarbuilt.
And more coming still! We’ll see you there, right??
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