Want to go out on the town with all of the other ghouls, goblins, witches, and hip zombies? Of course you do. Want to stay on budget? You got it. Brokesters, we rounded up some dope and wallet-friendly Halloween parties for you.
Now, about that costume…
THE WEEKEND (10/27-10/30)
- Suspiria Halloween Costume Party – For one night only, Videology will transform into the Tanz Dance Academy of Freiburg, inspired by the candy colored aesthetic and nightmarish fever dreams of the master of giallo. (Videology, FREE, midnight)
- All Hallow Seance – A group seance where attendees will be connected with the spirits which surround them. (Catland, $50, 7pm)
- Fright Night: A Witch’s Film Festival – Join Catland for a film screening full of frights and delights for any fan of the horror genre. (Catland, $20, 7pm)
- The Great Pupkin – Dogs in costumes. What more do you need? (Fort Greene Park, FREE, 11:30am)
- The Tompkins Square Dog Parade – IT’S BACK ON. Note the new location, folks. (East River Park Amphitheater, FREE, noon)
- The Ridgewood Asylum – A fun and terrifying interactive haunted house. Open through November 1. (The Deep End, $10, 8pm)
- The Crystal Method – Halloween Party! – Dance the night away with the Crystal Method. (The Good Room, $20, 8pm)
- Samhain Festival – Come one, come all to the Witch’s Sabbath – a night of celebrations, rituals and libations! (Catland, $20, 7pm)
- Secrets in Stone – There is a secret language at Green-Wood that’s etched upon the monuments: cemetery symbology. Learn the meaning of these symbols on a walking tour. (Green-Wood Cemetary, $20, 6:30pm)
- Gala of the Gone – Lets us dance in honor of our spirit, our mortality. (House of Yes, FREE before 10pm, 9pm)
- POP! A Pop Culture Bingo Party – Harry Potter Edition, hosted by comedian Bobby Hankinson. (Parklife, $2, 7pm)
- Official Christian Death After Party – Thrash to Azar Swan, DJs Star Eyes & Andi Harriman. (St. Vitus, $10, 11pm)
- Industry City x The Bell House Halloween Dance Party – Dance ’til the world ends with DJ Herbert Holler. (Courtyard 1/2, Free w/RSVP, 7pm)
- Murphy’s Law – Halloween is punk again. (The Kingsland, $15/adv, $20/day of, 7pm)
- Scary Covers ‘Een – Dress up in costumes and dance to cover tunes. (Threes Brewing, FREE, 8pm)
- Rocky Horror Picture Show Live Karaoke Revue and Halloween Extravaganza – Rocky Horror (duh) and a benefit for The Center for Anti-Violence Education. (The Bell House, $12, 7pm)
- World/Inferno Friendship Society: Hallowmas – A Halloween concert merging punk, soul, klezmer, jazz, and dark cabaret. (The Warsaw, $25, 7pm)
- Halloween at the Glove – Dance, dance, dance. This event is CoStUmE ReGuLaTeD, sooo If you don’t come in costume add $2 to your cover >: ) (The Glove, $10, 10pm)
- Boos in the Borough: A Brooklyn Historical Halloween – Hear tales of Brooklyn’s ghosts featuring Boroughs of the Dead founder Andrea Janes, an exploration of funerary traditions with funeral director Amy Cunningham, and more celebrations of all things macabre. (Brooklyn Historical Society, FREE, 6pm)
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